: necklaces 2 rows / 3 rows |
Natural wooden acacia bags |
Dangling floating lavender kabibe shell nuggets in |
Natural made necklace |
Shrimp handpainted wood keychain key chain |
Embossed hand painted shell natural pendant |
Natural beads anklet |
Refrigerator magnet fridg magnet sea animals shells |
Natural wooden bangle |
Natural leather cord necklace |
Natural shell pendant |
Embossed hand painted shell natural pendant |
Natural beads dangling earrings |
Twisted 4 rows 2-3mm coconut pukalet natural |
Natural beads bracelet |
Natural beads dangling earrings |
Embossed hand painted shell natural pendant |
Scarf necklace made of natural beads |
Nutural beads resin bangles |
Natural beads bracelet |
Natural capiz shelll gift and decor item |
Wind chimes chandeliers hanging musical lantern - |
Surfers necklace |
Natural beads hat |