Embossed hand painted shell natural pendant |
 Natural coconut beads |
 Natural capiz shelll gift and decor item |
 Natural beads bracelet |
 Natural shell pendant |
 Embossed hand painted shell natural pendant |
 Refrigerator magnet fridg magnet sea animals shells |
 Chunky doris stained and wooden bangles |
 Natural made necklace |
 Natural leather cord necklace |
 Sigay shells in braided wax cord |
 Natural beads bracelet |
 Kukui nuts natural lei necklace wood imitation |
 Natural beads lei |
 Clay skull tribal necklace |
 Twisted natural wood chunky bangle flashy red |
 Twisted natural wood chunky bangle olive green |
 Natural made necklace |
 Plain raw natural wooden bangle casing only |
 Natural leather cord necklace |
 Embossed hand painted shell natural pendant |
 Natural beads dangling earrings |
 Laminated inlaid brownlip in shell bangles |
 Natural capiz shelll gift and decor item |